# Variables and Expressions
Variables are a programming language's way of naming and storing chunks of data.
When your skill is live, multiple users will show up and interact with it simultaneously, and your endpoint will need to handle interleaved requests coming from all of them. So each request will need to "pick up" from where that users is in your skill.
Aside from that, with longer form skills you'll usually want to remember things about your users, say where they are in a longer game so they don't have to start from scratch.
Both of these needs inform Litexa's approach to variable scoping, the lifespan and visibility of variables, producing three distinct kinds of variables: local, request and persistent.
Because some variables will need to survive past the current request, and possibly even pick up on a different machine all together, in the case that your skill endpoint is load balanced, Litexa differentiates between two kinds of variable storage types: memory, and database.
# Storage types
Memory storage is ephemeral and exists only for the duration of the skill code execution. These kinds of variables can be initialized at any time before or during the execution of skill code. For example, request variables (explained below) can be populated from an incoming skill request. When the skill sends the response, the code is done executing and therefore the variable will no longer exist.
Database storage variables persist their value across each skill request and response. They can be initialized at any time during the execution of skill code, and will continue to exist for subsequent skill executions. Litexa's backend also makes use of database storage to keep track of the current skill state. There is only one type of database storage variable, called persistent variable.
Note: by default, Litexa is set up to create a new database entry for each device that a user invokes your skill from, protecting it from interference should your skill be invoked at the same time on different devices. To modify this, see the section below on Customizing the Litexa DB Key.
# Value Types
Each variable in Litexa can store one of a number of different kinds of values.
- Numbers, integer or floating point, e.g.
1, -8, or 15.4
- Booleans, the values
- Strings, double quoted, e.g.
Additionally, Litexa variables can also host any valid JavaScript value, including objects, arrays, null, undefined, and even functions, with one caveat: any variables with database storage must survive conversion to and from JSON.
Strings in Litexa may span more than one line, letting you break up longer strings as you see fit. In this case, white space to the left of the second line will be collapsed into a single space, and subsequent lines will remove the same amount of whitespace.
In the next sample, a and b will contain the same strings.
local a = "here's a string
with a second,
and third line"
local b = "here's a string with a second, and third line"
# Variable Types
# Local Variables
The first kind of variable behaves much like traditional variables in that they are lexically scoped, meaning that their lifespan will align with the block of code they sit in, and they will be visible to any code inside that block.
Local variables must be declared before use, with
the local
statement, and cannot be declared
again in the same scope, including in subordinate
blocks of code: Litexa does not allow variable
Local variables must also be initialized with a value.
local counter = 0
local name = "Jane"
local flag = false
Local variables that are declared and used in a single handler have memory storage. Local variables can survive across more than one handler though, when declared in the state's entry handler and then referenced in any of the state's intent handlers or the state's exit handler. In this case, they are automatically promoted to database storage.
Reentering a state will reset its "persistent" local variables, since it will call the initialization in the state's entry handler.
In the next example:
- The loops variable is declared and initialized to 0 in askForAction's entry handler.
- While in askForAction, any help or unexpected intent will increment loops by 1 in its handler.
- In the handler for a valid action intent, a state transition to takeAction is called. This triggers askForAction's exit handler and reads out the loops value.
local loops = 0
say "What should we do?"
when "let's $action"
with $action = "jump", "run", "shoot"
say "Alright, attempting $action"
-> takeAction
when AMAZON.HelpIntent
loops = loops + 1
say "Just tell me what you want to do."
say "Yeah no, that's not going to work. What should we do?
Maybe jump, run, or shoot?"
loops = loops + 1
if loops > 1
say "Geez, that only took {loops} tries."
# Request Variables
Request variables live from the moment they are declared until the end of the current request, that is to say until the end of the next handler that ends with a LISTEN or END statement. This means they survive between states, and will always have memory storage.
Request variable names must always begin with the
character, and are declared and created on
their first assignment.
We've already come across several request variables so far, in the form of slot values.
say "Hey, what's your name?"
when "my name is $name"
# the $name variable exists here
say "Hello $name."
-> flatterPlayer
# because we came here directly from the other state
# the request variable is still in scope
say "$name is such a pretty name, don't you agree?"
when AMAZON.YesIntent
# as this intent happens in a different request,
# the $name variable is no longer available
Request variables can be empty, that is to say they
might not have been assigned yet. In that case, they'll
contain a "falsy" value, meaning you can use an if
statement to choose behavior based on their existence.
In the following example, not all utterances contain all slots, so in some cases the slot may not have a value.
say "How should we attack?"
when "attack the $enemy with the $weapon"
or "attack the $enemy"
or "use the $weapon"
with $enemy = enemies.js:enemySlots
with $weapon = weapons.js:weaponSlots
if $enemy
say "Attacking the $enemy."
if $weapon
say "Using the $weapon."
# Persistent Variables
Sometimes you need a variable to survive longer than both local and request variables. Persistent variables exist from the moment they are created until you decide to destroy them.
The project option useSessionAttributesForPersistentStore
changes this promise by redirecting persistent storage
to Alexa session attributes instead. This means the variable
will only exist until the end of each skill session; every
new launch will begin with no persistent variables defined
at all.
Persistent variable names always begin with the @
symbol and always have database storage, meaning they
must be able to survive being converted to and from
As with request variables, persistent variables that haven't been assigned to yet will have a falsy value, and can be tested directly.
if @name
say "Welcome back, @name."
-> playGame
say "Hello, stranger"
-> askName
say "What's your name?"
when "My name is $name"
say "Nice to meet you, $name"
# store the result permanently
@name = $name
# DEPLOY Variables
DEPLOY variables are a type of memory storage variable that are references
to static properties of a DEPLOY
object defined under a deployment
target. They are readable during compilation as well as runtime, and can
be used to manage target-specific skill behavior.
To define DEPLOY variables, add a DEPLOY
object in your deployment targets
like so:
const deploymentConfiguration = {
name: 'cats-in-space',
deployments: {
development: {
... // other configuration
DEPLOY: { // your DEPLOY variables go in this object
DEBUG: true,
MODE: 'practice'
production: {
... // other configuration
MODE: 'challenge'
These variables will then be available for use in your Litexa code with their
values dependent on which deployment target you specified in the litexa command
(litexa test
, litexa deploy
, etc.).
object should only be used for properties, not methods.
DEPLOY variables can be useful when you want specific values in your builds for testing. For example, you can bypass non-deterministic logic.
say "Your next category is,"
say "{getIncrementalCategory()}."
say "{getRandomCategory()}."
Here are some applications of DEPLOY variables:
- Something like a
flag can be used to turn on test-only intents in your skill. For example, you can use them in test skills to jump to another part of the skill as a shortcut. - Something like a
string can be used to set different logging levels. - Something like a
flag or string could allow deploying multiple similar skills that all use the same core skill logic.
DEPLOY variables are the only type of variable that can be used in when
statements and file exclusion statements.
Otherwise, if you want to deploy multiple skills where most of their
logic is the same, you can keep them as one Litexa project with different
object configurations, thereby avoiding code duplication.
# Expressions
There are various places in Litexa syntax that accept an expression, which is a chunk of code that produces a resulting value.
The simplest expressions are just primitive values. Here we see the right side of an assignment statement taking a few of these expressions.
local a = 15
local name = "Sue"
Expressions can contain operators that combine two values
into a new one. Litexa supports the following list of
arithmetic operators -
, +
, *
, and /
local a = 5 + 10
local b = 10 / 2
local phrase = "Hello" + " " + "World"
You can also produce boolean values using a the set of
comparison operators ==
, !=
, >
, >=
, <
, <=
and or
local a = 5 > 3
local b = name == "Bob" and age == 18
You can control the order that parts of an expression evaluate in by using parentheses.
local a = ( 5 + 10 ) * 3
You can also include variable names in expressions to use their values.
local a = 10
local b = a + 5
$count = 10
local c = ( a * $count ) + b - 7
Calling a function that is available from a non-Litexa code file is also an expression.
local a = foo()
local b = bar(a) + 7
functionThatDoesNotExplicitlyReturn() # this is still an expression because it
# will return undefined
# Static Expressions
Static expressions are expressions in which all parts of the expression can be evaluated during compilation. If an expression contains any dynamic part, then the whole expression is dynamic.
Strings, numbers, and booleans are inherently static. DEPLOY variables are also static, because they are evaluated before compilation.
The following examples are static expressions:
if "woem" == "meow" and DEPLOY.type == "debug" # static conditional
And the following are dynamic expressions:
if 10/2 == 5 or $cat == 'chantilly'
if isCorrectAnswer($answer)
local playerName = "Ellie"
if playerName == DEPLOY.name # playerName is not a DEPLOY variable
# Customizing the Litexa DB Key
For variables that have database storage, Litexa maintains a single document in the backing database, by default keyed to the Alexa request's deviceId field, meaning that the data will be preserved for the skill running on the same Alexa device only.
Should you prefer to key on the userId instead (same skill data, no matter which device in the same account runs it), or some other field, you can add the following function anywhere in the skill's inline code.
// The global `litexa` namespace contains compile-time objects at runtime.
// `overridableFunctions` can be redefined by assigning new functionality to them.
litexa.overridableFunctions = litexa.overridableFunctions
? litexa.overridableFunctions
: {};
/* The `identity` parameter will have the following structure:
requestAppId, // = System.application.applicationId
userId, // = System.user.userId
deviceId, // = System.device.deviceId
litexaLanguage // = Litexa language (e.g. 'default') for request's locale
// Now, let's override the DB key generation.
litexa.overridableFunctions.generateDBKey = function(identity) {
// return a key based on both the deviceId and the request langauge
return `${identity.deviceId}|${identity.litexaLanguage}`;