# What About Other Alexa Features?

Litexa supports Alexa features through a mixture of code shipped with the Litexa core package and code added by Litexa extensions, extra packages that you install alongside Litexa that can add support for things like events, directives, new Litexa statements and runtime code.

There are plenty of wonderful Alexa features that Litexa does not yet directly support, but you are not prevented from using them with a Litexa project! Here are the extension points where you can quickly convince Litexa you know better, and have it step out of your way.

# Modifying the Alexa Response Object

The final Litexa product is a response, as specified in the ASK documentation. (opens new window)

There are a few reasons you may want to manipulate that response object directly, rather than rely on the usual Litexa commands. For example, you may want to log how you're responding to an analytics service you run, inject some data into sessionAttributes, or automatically parse your final accumulated outputSpeech to generate other responses like cards via a custom function.

Modifying the skill response is currently possible in one of three ways:

  1. directly, by installing a responsePostProcessor handler.
  2. directly, by writing a Litexa extension with a similar beforeFinalResponse handler which would receive the full response object prior to it being sent.
  3. indirectly, by modifying response properties in the Litexa context object. See details below.

The responsePostProcessor is the simplest way to do a one-off custom processor for a single skill. It's a single callback you add to the global litexa object anywhere in your inline code.

  litexa.responsePostProcessor = function( body, context ) {
    // note: the context argument is the full Litexa context object
    // the body object is the full response as documented at:
    // https://developer.amazon.com/en-US/docs/alexa/custom-skills/request-and-response-json-reference.html
    // any modification you apply to response will be returned to Alexa

    let response = body.response;
    if ( response.outputSpeech && response.outputSpeech.indexOf('rose') >= 0 ) {
      response.card = {
        "type": "Standard",
        "title": "A Rose For You",
        "text": "",
        "image": {
          "smallImageUrl": "https://there.com/rose-small.png",
          "largeImageUrl": "https://there.com/rose-large.png"

# Modifying the Language Model

Not Yet Available

There may be times when manual intervention in the model building process is necessary, e.g. you may want to inject some other procedural mechanism for creating values that doesn't fit Litexa's slotBuilder scheme. If you have a case like this, please reach out to us with a proposal for where you feel it would be natural to inject it!

# Accepting Novel Events

To accept named events that Litexa does not yet define in its core, you can write an extension module, where you indicate the new events in the compiler.valideEventNames list. Litexa extension

# Sending Novel Directives

Most of the commands you send as part of a skill's response will be in the form of directives, which are included as JSON objects in a skill response. See the ASK documentation on skill responses (opens new window) for more information about directives in general.

Several Litexa statements, like screen or card, will generate directives as part of their functionality. These will also insert or assert any other requirements associated with using the command, such as injecting an API interface declaration into your skill.json manifest, or giving you a compile error should the command require an intent you haven't defined in your skill's language model.

You can also directly create any directive yourself, by using the directive statement. You may want to do this if it's more convenient to generate many directives, or template their contents in your code somehow. The statement takes as an argument an expression, usually a function call that resolves to either a single JSON directive object, or an array of JSON directives.

For instance, the following skill returns a manually constructed AudioPlayer.Play directive:

  say "Get ready to groove in 3. 2. 1."
  directive playJazzyMusic()
function playJazzyMusic(){
  return {
    type: "AudioPlayer.Play",
    playBehavior: "valid playBehavior value such as REPLACE_ALL",
    audioItem: {
      stream: {
        url: "https://cdn.example.com/url-of-the-stream-to-play",
        token: "aStreamToken",
        offsetInMilliseconds: 0
      metadata: {
        title: "Downright Jazzy",
        subtitle: "Were you ready for that jazz?",
        art: {
          sources: [
              url: "https://cdn.example.com/url-of-the-album-art-image.png"
        backgroundImage: {
          sources: [
              url: "https://cdn.example.com/url-of-the-background-image.png"

By default, Litexa will throw an error during testing if your skill generates a directive it does not recognize. Additional directive types may be supported by Litexa extensions, for example the @litexa/apl extension, in which case installing the extension will remove the error.

In the case that no extension exists to support the directive yet, you can inform Litexa that you've vouched for the type and that it should assume it is correct:

  1. You will need to add the desired directive's type to the validDirectivesList field of your Litexa project's litexa.config.* as seen below:

      "name": "myFirstProject",
      "deployments": { ... },
      "validDirectivesList": [
  2. If the directive in question requires an interface declaration, then you should add such to your skill.* file manually. See the ASK documentation on interfaces (opens new window) for more information on the various available interface declarations.

      "manifest": {
        ... other contents
        "apis": {
          "custom": {
            "interfaces": [
                "type": "AUDIO_PLAYER"
              ... other interfaces

For directives supported by Litexa extensions, any generated directives should be validated for correct content, raising an error during compilation so that you can catch it as early as possible. Directives that you vouch for manually in the validDirectivesList though, offer no such protection, so an invalid directive won't be caught until runtime. In those cases, refer to your Litexa logs to discover what the problem is.

See the chapter on testing for more information on tools you have available to help trap and correct any errors.

# Reading and Modifying Litexa's context

Litexa's runtime primarily operates by creating and manipulating a context object in response to each request that comes in. The context is accessible within the scope of any Litexa code, and can be passed down to inline code as a function parameter:

# main.litexa
// main.js
printObject = function(obj) { console.log(JSON.stringify(obj)); }

The Litexa context is recreated for every new skill request, and contains the following data:

  1. incoming request data (e.g. the Alexa skill session attributes)
  2. accumulated response data (e.g. an array of all the say statements hit so far)
  3. DB data (e.g. persistent and transient variables)
  4. utility data (e.g. skill launch time stamp)

Let's take a closer look at each of these in turn, along with some common use cases.

# 1) Incoming Request Data

While Litexa makes most request data available/actionable without requiring the context object, there are several outlier reasons that require reading the context object directly, such as:

  • visibility and manipulation of context.event.session.attributes
  • visibility of supported interfaces in context.event.context.System
  • visibility of device screen specs in context.event.context.Viewport
  • etc.

The full incoming request, along with session and system information, is available in context.event:

  "version": "1.0",
  "session": { // SESSION DATA
    "sessionId": "amzn1.echo-api.session.someId",
    "application": {
      "applicationId": "amzn1.ask.skill.someId"
    "attributes": {},
    "user": {
      "userId": "amzn1.ask.account.someId"
  "context": { // SYSTEM DATA
    "System": {
      "device": {
        "deviceId": "amzn1.ask.device.someId",
        "supportedInterfaces": {
          "Alexa.Presentation.APL": {},
          "Display": {}
        "apiEndpoint": "https://api.amazonalexa.com",
        "apiAccessToken": "someAccessToken"
    "Viewport": {
      "experiences": [
          "arcMinuteWidth": 246,
          "arcMinuteHeight": 144,
          "canRotate": false,
          "canResize": false
      "shape": "RECTANGLE",
      "pixelWidth": 1024,
      "pixelHeight": 600,
      "dpi": 160,
      "currentPixelWidth": 1024,
      "currentPixelHeight": 600,
      "touch": [
      "video": {
        "codecs": [
  "request": { // REQUEST DATA
    "type": "IntentRequest",
    "requestId": "amzn1.echo-api.request.2f164393-f7c7-410d-8819-eccd49a7f26f",
    "timestamp": "2017-10-01T22:02:10.000Z",
    "locale": "en-US",
    "intent": {
      "name": "MY_NAME_IS_NAME",
      "slots": {
        "name": {
          "name": "name",
          "value": "John"

Request Data Shortcuts

There are some useful request data shortcuts available in Litexa:

  • context.event.request is available in Litexa code as the request variable $request.

  • context.requestId is a shortcut to context.event.request.requestId

  • context.slots contains the Litexa request variables. This includes the request slot variables, so while handling the following intent, you'd expect to see context.slots.name defined.

    when "my name is $name"
      with $name = AMAZON.US_FIRST_NAME
      say "hello $name"

# 2) Pending Response Data

The Litexa context tracks the following data to be included in any pending response:

  "say": [],        // pending outputSpeech (as specified by 'say' statements)
  "reprompt": [],   // pending reprompt speech (as specified by 'reprompt' statements)
  "directives": [], // pending directives (as specified by the 'directive', 'card',
                    // monetization, and extension statements)
  "shouldEndSession": false // value explicitly set by 'END' statement,
                            // or implicitly set by other statements

The response data in context can be used to read, modify, or validate the pending response. It also allows for changing the response outside of Litexa code, for instance by handing off the context to an inline function:

# main.litexa
// main.js
addCustomSSML = function(context) {
  context.say.push("Hello, I'm <amazon:effect name="whispered">custom.</amazon:effect>");

Modifying response data can become especially useful when authoring a custom Litexa extension. For instance, the @litexa/apl extension keeps track of all APL-related data in a newly added context.apl object.

# 3) DB Data

context.db allows for directly accessing the DB instance used by Litexa. As an alternative to using @ variables to read and write DB data, the same can be achieved by directly invoking context.db.write(String key, data) and context.db.read(String key).

Among other skill information, the context.db object tracks local variables that have database storage, and @ variables:

  "db": {
    "variables": {
      "myKey": {
        "myData"         // as saved by: @myKey = "myData"
  "cache": {
    "__stateLocals": {
      "myVar": "myValue" // as saved by: local myVar = "myValue"

Litexa-internal DB data

DB variables stored with the private '__' prefix should generally be left untouched: Modifying them could negatively impact skill functionality, as they are usually relied on by Litexa's core or extension logic.

# 4) Utility Data

Finally, the context object provides some useful utility information for the currently active session:

  "now": 1506895265000,      // time (in milliseconds) when the current request begun processing
  "language": "default"      // current skill request's Litexa language
  "shouldEndSession": false, // modified by the 'END' statement
  "settings": {              // modified by the 'set [setting] [boolean]' statement
    "resetOnLaunch": true
  "traceHistory": [          // all states that have been visited in processing the current request
  "monetization": [          // overview of all linked in-skill products
    "inSkillProducts": [
      // [reference name]: 'ENTITLED'|'NOT_ENTITLED'
      { 'myProduct':       'ENTITLED' }

This utility data can serve various purposes:

  • context.language can be used to handle the appropriate language in a Litexa extension. Note, that this is the language defined by Litexa:
    • any locale that has no specific languages directory, as detailed in the documentation on Localization Project Structure, is mapped to default.
    • all other locales are mapped to the same name used for their languages directory. This would be either a specific locale (es-es) or a language code spanning multiple locales (e.g. es would override the locales es-ES and es-MX).
  • context.traceHistory can be used for troubleshooting or analytics
  • context.now can be used to enable time-based skill variations, such as:
  if minutesBetween(context.now, @lastLaunchTime) < 15
    say "We spoke less than 15 minutes ago, did you miss me?"
  @lastLaunchTime = context.now

In summary, the Litexa context object is a good starting point for extending Litexa's capabilities, be it through external Litexa extensions, or through skill-specific in-code context handlers.